Sunday, June 15, 2014

Why I Love Tim Duncan

Exactly one year ago I became a huge Tim Duncan fan.

I'm not too big on LeBron or the Heat for a lot of reasons. But this post isn't about LeBron being soft or the Heat being entitled.

It's about Timmy D. Now I know- Tim wears terrible jeans and probably owns more goofy old navy t shirts than even myself. But his heart is tremendous.

Last Father's day, the Spurs were playing the Heat in game 6. I plopped down on the LA-Z-BOY just as half time of last year's game 6 began. And what I saw forced my heart to leap within my chest.

Tim Duncan was sitting on the hallway floor outside his teams locker room, playing with his three children.


In that moment I knew Tim Duncan's actions were a living portrait of the Father's heart for us.

We live in a world of absolute unbelief. We say we believe in God, but at core, a majority of us think he's just to busy to give a rip about us. I mean, come on. He's God. He's real, sure, but he's got a lot of shit on his plate. He's not too concerned or invested in me.

It's not true. God is a good Father, a great Dad. The Best Papa we could ever experience.

If Tim Duncan isn't too busy to play with his children at halftime of the NBA FINALS, surely the Father is not too busy to care deeply for us and engage our hearts with personal affection. The Father is never too busy for us. Never.

Go ahead and ask the Father if he would like to hang out. You just might be surprised how he answers.

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