Friday, December 20, 2013

Groomsmen part 4: A little Jack and alot of Jesus

For those of you who didn't read my whiskey at the wedding post, I occasionally enjoy a little Jack Daniels in my coke. And I was reminded Tuesday night that I enjoy, more than occasionally, a little Jack Klein in my life.

I believe God brought me to Truman for a number of reasons. Recently I was reminded of one of the biggest reasons he did so. My friendship with Jack Klein.

I was feeling pretty tired, exhausted from a long day that included a final presentation for Marketing and lots of tending to Grigsby.

Anyways I was just getting ready to wind down for the evening when my dude Jack called me. I had completely forgot that we had set up a phone date for 8 pm on this particular Tuesday night. The phone call was exactly what I needed. But before I get into all that fun stuff, I'll give you a brief history of how I met this stallion they call Jack Klein. 

Jack and I were in the same recruiting class at Truman. He played safety and lived in the same dorm as me our freshman year. Our first semester, we had always been fairly close friends, running around together and whatnot. But our second semester was when something special started. I couldn't really tell you how or why, but somehow after we got back from Christmas break that year, we decided that we were going to read The Story (The Gospel) together. I say Story because for some very unfortunate reasons, the word Gospel is a word glazed in religious fog, and makes people think of the choir swaying, arms held high screaming LAAAAAWWWDDD ALMIGGGHTTTYYY. The Gospel, however, is far from the church bells and stained glass windows of lifeless religion. The Gospel is THE Story, an epic story of Gods rescue of his dearly loved family. Its the story of how one man fought so desperately and courageously to save you and me. Anyway, we began reading The Story together. We would meet everyday in the study rooms just outside of the lounge in centennial hall, and tear through the Story. 

And things changed. This Jesus guy came to life, became a bit more personal and lot more real to both of us. It was a time of great spiritual growth for both of us. To this day we both look back to that season of our lives with joy and gratefulness, knowing God worked in rather mysterious and effective ways to ransom us back to his heart once more. 

We had planned on getting a house with a couple other dudes from our team, and we were absolutely geeked to continue searching for the narrow path to Life throughout the rest of our college years. But long story short, Jack had to move back home and he transferred schools at the end of our freshman year. 

It was more than a little disappointing. We had shared our hopes and dreams for what might be shared over the next 4 years together. Football, roomie shenanigans, spiritual growth, Life to the full, etc. And those hopes and dreams were more or less deferred. 

But now to the good stuff, the good part of the story. Jack and I continued to stay in touch throughout our college careers. We simply kept being best friends despite our long distance bromance. 

Jack is my best guy friend. He understands me, gets me. He knows my heart, knows what pisses me off, knows what brings me joy. He knows my dreams and desires, and has walked with me through some rather ugly brokenness and sin. But the thing I think I love most about Jack and my friendship with him, is a shared vision. We both have this deep sense of a mission, something bigger than ourselves, a cause that is very much worth fighting for. We want the same things. 

I think it is so rare to find this. To find someone who knows you, loves you, would go to battle for you at the drop of hat; and also share a dream with you. Jack and I want the same things, want to spend our lives in the same manner. As I was catching up with him just recently on the phone I could feel a strength, a certain fire in my chest coming alive. I struggle really to put what I was feeling into words, so my first thought as to what was rising inside me was this; It was the life and heart of Jesus Christ. My True Best Friend.  My constant companion, and rather powerful partner in bringing His Kingdom to this earth. His life, his heart, his desire was awakening and stirring rather unexpectedly through time spent talking with Jack.  When it has been an extended time since I have truly connected with Jesus or the Father, I am so weary. I am busy, annoyed, on edge, exhausted, and not very motivated. I am also selfish. But when I do finally come back to Christ and take a good long drink of His Living Water, I am both relieved and strengthened. I can feel something alive and on fire in my chest once more.

Very similarly, when it has been an extended time since Jack and I have connected, it never fails that I leave our conversation energized and alive. Awake. When I spend even a small amount of time talking or hanging out with Jack, I am reminded of who I really am. I am reminded of what kind of man I really want to become. I am reminded of what I want my life to look like in 10 years. And through his very unintentional reminders, my heart is deeply strengthened.

It is something I have been deeply missing the past 4 years. When you spend time around certain individuals, they make you want to be a better person. Simply who they are draw you closer to God. Jack is that guy for me. The reason I cherish my relationship with Jack so much is because it mirrors my relationship with Jesus so much- he makes me want to be a better man. Simply spending time with Jack brings me closer to the Father; Jack leaves me wanting to draw closer to the Father. When I spend a little time with Jack, I get a lot of Jesus. 

To put it plainly, Jack is alot like Jesus.  And that is why I love him. 

Its safe to say that I am more than looking forward to sharing a little Jack Daniels with my dear friend Jack Klein in 22 short days. And I most definitely cannot wait to share a celebratory whiskey and coke with Jesus on the day he welcomes me into his Kingdom of Life and Joy. 

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